Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I Refuse to do a "Meme"

The title says it all.

I have been thinking about whether to join the Meme craze... and decided against it. Still, a list:

5 Movies that have Powerful Messages That I Would Show Students (in no Particular Order)

[Warning: Some of these movies may have profanity, violence and/or scenes that are absolutely inappropriate for students. A few suggestions: Educate yourself about the movies and their questionable scenes (use, for example, Screenit.com). Second, use a recorded TV version. Third possibility, get your DVD from a site that legally edits your video (such as http://www.familyfriendlyvideo.ca/ or http://www.cleanflicks.com/). I think it goes without saying that a great video with a powerful message is worth nothing if the opposite message is sent (such as, "Even my Rabbi recommended a movie with curse words, inappropriate scenes, etc.!"). Educate yourself before recommending the video!]

  • Braveheart - I think the courage to stand up for what you believe in, in addition to the idea that one person can, indeed, change the world, make this movie more than outstanding for high school students.
  • Scent of a Woman - The most powerful movie that I've seen (not that I've seen a lot of movies!) about aging and coming to grips with effects of diminishing abilities. It is also a fantastic depiction of living in the past, owning up to one's responsibilities and valuing a person for what s/he is and does and not for what they look like or with whom they associate.
  • The Godfather - Just a great movie that shows when and how people change and the drastic twists and turns that our life takes... if you're a mafia boss.
  • A Beautiful Mind - The power of the mind and the power of love - sticking with someone because you love them. Like Scent of a Woman, it's also about, valuing a person for what s/he is and not for what they look like or with whom they associate.
  • Shawshank Redemption - Sticktuitiveness. The good are rewarded and the bad punished... eventually. Have patience. Also a great movie around Pesach time about how Hashem had to train Bnei Yisrael to become free not just to take them out of Egypt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi again.

What a great movie list! You should do more lists.

And how interesting what you said about God training the Jewish people to become free and not just taking them out. But how? What do you mean?

January 19, 2006  

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