Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Misrad Hachinuch Woes

(The title of this post is a bit misleading. The complaint I have applies, if I am not mistaken, to a number of educational institutions and networks.)

I just found out that I am being fired.

OK. That's very misleading too. I will be fired. Over the summer.

But that's misleading too. All of the teachers in my school (with the exception of one) are being fired too. I include the principal. He is being fired too.

But that's misleading too. I'm being a bit melodramatic. I knew I was getting fired and, in my letter, the principal (yes, the principal who is getting fired needs to fire himself!) said how much he loved working with me and how he intends to rehire me next year!

Many, many, many teachers in Israel are being fired this summer, only to be rehired in the Fall. That way, the year we worked does not count towards receiving k'viyut (tenure). In other words, if a teacher were to be hired all year round, after a few years (I have no idea how many) s/he receive tenure and impossible to really fire.

It happens everywhere: My friend's wife has taught in a major Israeli university for 10 years and only last summer wasn't fired!

A part of me understands the idea: if the teacher unions continue to insist on tenure – and continue to insist on an easy path to tenure – the schools have no choice but to take matters in their own hands to prevent people from attaining tenure unless they are really, really, really sure that they like them and NEVER want to fire them!

On the other hand, it is nuts and insulting and frustrating and demoralizing to be "laid off" every year.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oy is right. I kind of reminds me of the sign in front of a non-observant synagogue. No Smoking All Week, But Especially No Smoking On Shabbat. A rule that is almost "muvan mealav" that is not real. I wonder what they do if they really want to fire someone? Maybe they give them a five year contract?

May 11, 2006  
Blogger T.Y.I.I. said...

Libby Bamizrach: Thank you for reading. I should probably update the post. I found out afterwards that I made a mistake: the truth is that they only lay off people who have less than 3 years at a particular school. Unlike what I said in the post, more than one person in my school is not being fired this year.

Still, my "oy" sticks.

May 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope it's not rude to admit that this post made me laugh out loud. It was a good, needed laugh - so I thank you.

May 28, 2006  

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