Saturday, December 10, 2005

Israeli Parent-Teacher Conferences

Just finished my first Parent-Teacher conferences in Israel.

I imagine that a lot of ink (or blogger comments) have been spent on the differences between Israeli and non-Israeli parents. There are differences.

But this comment is about the similarities. And the similarities far outweigh the differences. For the most part, parents in any country focus on their children, want what's best for their children, respect the teachers' position, opinion, and advice. Sure there are exceptions to this rule. But there are exception in every country.

My experience at my first Parent-Teacher conference in Israel was mostly positive with a couple of wrinkles. But that was my experience in the U.S. too!

[Adice to future Olim: I have been trying to focus on the similarities between the various parties here (students, parents, teachers, administrators); it's not as flashy and the blog comments not as juicy...... but, from what I have seen, it's more accurate..... and healthy.]


Blogger T.Y.I.I. said...

Thanks tuesdaywishes for the previous comments and for the question.

As an administrator, I have a variety of ways for parents to reach me. At parent-teacher conferences in specific, I have no scheduled conferences; I'm available that evening for short conferences. I say short because I do not want one set of parents to dominate the evening for 2 hours or more. If their issue needs more than 5-10 minutes, we schedule a meeting for later that week.

(I will say, though, that I'm in trouble if their issue needs more than 10 minutes and this is the first I'm hearing of it. I hope that there are no major surprises that evening. If there are, I haven't really done my job as well as I should.)

December 12, 2005  

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